Facials, Permanent Makeup & Cosmetic Tattoo in Chevallum QLD

The Sunshine Coast is strewn with unexpected, unusual, delightful names — from the Pumicestone Passage to Cooran and Cooroy and Coolum, and from Bli Bli to Maroochydore, they are all haunting and evocative.
And there is Chevallum too. Nothing to do with horses — a tributary of the Maroochy River flows through Chevallum, and the name itself is believed to be a corruption of local Aborigine words and mean ‘flat place’.
“Eating eight strawberries a day has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve memory and heart health”
There is a local permaculture group committed to organic and sustainable farming in Chevallum, and of course Chevallum has always been famous for its strawberries. For over 30 years there used to be a Strawberry Festival every September sponsored by Rick, Jeff and David Twist, the Twist Brothers, which was the main fundraising event of the Chevallum School Community.
Sadly Twist Strawberry Farm closed in August 2018, due to lower and lower prices.
“Mushrooms are naturally low in sodium, fat, cholesterol, and calories, and have often been referred to as ‘functional foods’.”
But there are mushroom farms now, in and near Chevallum, making a success of growing White Buttons, White Flats, Swiss Browns and Swiss Flats.
There is always something going on on the Sunshine Coast
If you google Chevallum there are ads for everything from dog sitters to bricklayers, and from musicians looking for a band to homeopaths— and now the newspapers are full of the widow of a Brisbane billionaire mining magnate suing the family lawyer for negligence in not preparing a new will fast enough.
Aspect, Minerelle and Intraceuticals — three of the finest Australian concepts in skincare
Just down the Bruce Highway from Chevallum is Landsborough, where Lyn O’Connor has established Clynic, her facial therapy practice, where she and her very professional artistic team specialise in cosmetic tattoos and permanent makeup as well as conventional makeup and waxing — for men and women. Lyn has been an expert in her field for over 20 years and she provides comprehensive consultations before she begins to tattoo — to her every face is unique. And she only uses the very finest, state of the art skin products — products that she really believes in. “Protect, nurture, revitalise, and cosmetically restructure your most precious asset,” Lyn says.
*All consultations are private and confidential
*All procedures comply with health department regulations
*All pigments are FDA approved