Permanent Makeup, Waxing & Tattoo Ilkley QLD

In 1890, Joseph Kitson, a Yorkshireman from Ilkley, a Victorian spa town in West Yorkshire, the subject of a song called On Ilkley Moor without a hat whose inhabitants are called Olicanians, was preaching in Queensland, and he called the settlement he lived in Ilkley.
And it is still there, about 10 minutes’ drive from Buderim and 20 from Caloundra and Mooloolaba. There are some wonderful houses and gardens in Ilkley — glorious, exotic, colourful trees and flowers — and the weather has always been rather better on the Sunshine Coast than it is back in Yorkshire! So is the lifestyle — much more relaxed and unbuttoned: I remember being told by someone who lives near Ilkley in Yorkshire that they would love to invite me to lunch when I came to England — as long as I could give them at least six weeks notice!
Anyone who wears make-up is a potential candidate for semi-permanent make-up
Ilkley is not far from Landsborough, and Clynic. Clynic is where Lyn O’Connor and her team of facial therapists specialise not only in facials and makeup and waxing, but also in cosmetic tattoo services and permanent makeup.
Permanent makeup can disguise scars too
Convenient and time saving though permanent makeup is anyway, it can also be a great blessing to anyone with Parkinson’s disease or, more often, hand tremors. Many people suffer from tremors, which affect their hands, head, face, jaw or lips — even the torso, legs or voice can be harmed — although hand tremors are the most common. While tremors are not usually severe or life threatening, they do tend to be rather embarrassing and disabling, and they make life difficult. Tremors can affect people at any time, but they are more common in middle and old age.
Makeup can be a vital tool for a woman with a chronic illness
For a woman, not being able to apply her makeup can be just devastating — horribly depressing. If you are not well you want to look as good as possible, just as a small consolation. And permanent makeup can go a long way to resolving that problem. It is not even insuperable if you are on blood thinners. Safety and hygiene are paramount. And the end result puts you on the road to sheer happiness.
Come into Clynic for a free consultation and talk to the professionals there. They may be able to do something really simple that changes your life for the better.