Five Rules to Keep Your Skin Glowing

It is really worth looking after your skin. Always — all your life. And it is simple. Look around you and use your common sense. Here are some thoughtful, everyday tips to bear in mind from Lyn O’Connor at Clynic, who also reminds you: “Makeup is not a mask that covers up your beauty; it’s a weapon that helps you express who you are from the inside.”

Firstly, make sure you protect yourself from the sun — every day and in every way — especially if you live on the Sunshine Coast. Of course you need to take exercise, but shelter your face and body from direct sunlight to avoid age spots and wrinkles. And slather on the sunscreen with an SPF of 15 to 30, even when it’s cloudy. You need to block UVA and UVB rays.

Secondly, do not smoke cigarettes. Never smoke — and for good measure don’t vape either. You must have noticed that smoking makes your skin look older and greyer and gives you wrinkles…

Thirdly, be gentle with your skin. Look after it with creams and potions; treasure it and it will reward you. And don’t forget to take off your makeup — let your skin breathe overnight. If you want it to glow try putting some olive oil that does not smell too strong on a pad of cotton wool and take off makeup and dirt with that. Don’t forget to exfoliate regularly — twice a week would be good. When the dead skin is removed your face will glow. Spoil yourself with a face mask every week.

Fourthly, eat well. Eat a healthy, balanced, sensible diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, protein and vitamins ¬— and drink lots of water every day. Sip, don’t gulp. Increase vitamin C and reduce fats and sugar. Sugar is the worst.

And fifthly, although we all know how difficult it is, try not to overdo things and allow yourself to become stressed. Make sure you exercise regularly and sleep well too — at least six to eight hours a night.

And don’t forget to smile!

As well as all of the above, make an appointment with Lyn at Clynic, where you will be professionally pampered in a relaxing atmosphere to make you feel wonderful. Clynic does everything, from a first free consultation to facials and makeup, as well as tattooing and waxing.

*All procedures comply with health department regulations

*All pigment is FDA approved.

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